Despite sharing these incidents, I'm really not trying to be depressing here. The fact of the matter is that there are some things that are in our control and some things that aren't. My brother helped me with this perspective, encouraging me to not worry about becoming ill given what family medical history I'm aware of. Within my own life I'd love to be able to control more things, it'd make it a lot easier at times. The bottom line is that it is wise to do the best with what we have right now and make the best decisions with the information we have on hand at the time. There is a place for looking forward to the future and entertaining the occasional hypothetical, but when it leads to worry this is where we should draw the line. This isn't just my opinion...
Matthew 6:24, 34 - Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?...Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
For those of you tired of seeing hip hop on here, I do like other kinds of music! Jack Johnson, oh yea! "Staple it Together"is a really good song, the lyrics are quality. Here is a live version of it!
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