Monday, January 24, 2011

Are you Perpin'?

Perpin' - The act of bragging and or lying in conversations about things that one posesses to impress people, a person who is usually perpin, has nothing but a wide imagination and a desire to fit into the "in crowd". (Urban Dictionary)

How many times do we see it? Somebody talks about something they believe in and then proceeds to do something that makes you sit there and think, "wow, yet another person that is full of it."  How many times do we hear it? We all have at least heard about if not experienced the go-to phrase by some parents, "Do as I say, not as I do."  Clearly, there is some serious space between what people genuinely want to be and what ends up actually happening in their lives.  Why is this so? Well that is one deep question.  No one-liner answer comes to mind, but life is rarely that simple. 

One thing that helped me at least chip away at this was seeing how strongly we believe something be put on one of three levels.

1. Public convictions - This includes what you want everyone else to think you believe and how you want them to see you.  Basically this is your reputation and how you handle it, some care more than others, just look at how different people manage their Facebook profile. 
2. Private convictions - These go a little deeper in the sense that these are the values that you really want to live out.  In an honest heart to heart with a best friend, you'd still tell them, "Yes I really believe in ____."
3. Core convictions - This is the real deal, these beliefs are called "core" because they are so deeply rooted in you that they show up in your actions.  There is no slick talking with core convictions, they are either there or they aren't. (For more check this book by John Ortberg)

You may be asking, "Who cares what level the different beliefs we have go under?" Well, WE need to. Taking a look at our actions and seeing what is showing up in how we live can be a good thing, whether it ends up being an encouragement or a wake-up call.  No one is perfect, bottom line.  There are Atheists that are "practically Christian" judging by their actions just like there are Christians who are "practically atheists" because no one could tell one way or the other, I've been there at times. 

I'll end with a little would you rather...Would you rather hear someone TALK about how they have a heart for God and others or see them DOING something that would tell you that without them saying a word?  Let's keep the Perpin' to a minimum! Peace!

(Comments welcomed)

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