Thursday, January 27, 2011

Blow your high!

Not to long ago I came across the classic hit song "Higher" by Creed.  It's fair to say the lyrics are talking about Heaven when they are rocking out the chorus.  Many times being "high" is considered a good thing, athletes want to move up on the depth chart, a businessman wants to be higher on the corporate ladder and almost everyone can appreciate a view that is only possible from high up.  After doing work in the gym or after a run our bodies produce a natural high through endorphins, it feels good, unless of course it's been awhile and you're too distracted by how out of shape you are too enjoy it.    

It's no wonder that we can get things twisted sometimes into feeling like anything that gets us "high" is automatically a good thing.  As well all know, there are some highs that can really screw us in the long run if we are not careful.  One of the first ones that probably comes to mind is the high that people get from smoking weed, however, it is a much wider range than that.  Some people can get a high from gambling, and everyone is prone to getting gratification from fulfilling a lust on some level. It can start with that extra long look at the opposite sex and escalate on from there.  The problem with these highs is that they can feel awesome...for a little bit.  Even though they are so temporary, they last just long enough to bait us into the next time, convincing us that more of the same will eventually fulfill us.  The reality of it is even though it feels like we are gaining something, the whole time our fake high of choice is stealing from us slowly but surely. It can involve our money, our time, our relationships, and most importantly our minds and hearts.
So what?  No one is perfect, everyone has a vice, that's just a part of life...or is it?  In Psalm 39, David reaches out, 
     “Lord, remind me how brief my time on earth will be.
      Remind me that my days are numbered—how fleeting my life is."
It is no secret that EVERYONE is only here for awhile, so why not try and make the most out of each day?  One solid approach I've come across is written in Col. 3:2, "Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things."  Love ya'll.

Check this song that is very relevant to this topic, by Lecrae, "Blow your high" (lyrics here)

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